In order to ensure the conservation management of small populations, NUPECCE develops articulated projects, both in situ, with free-living populations as well as monitoring and working with reintroduced and translocated animals, and ex situ, outside of the place of origin or in captivity.
A captive breeding program was created between differentent zoos, conservation and scietific breeding centers. Thus, controlled breeding, births and transfers are allowed for a good genetic and reproductive managment of the species. Besides, demographic and genealogical database (studbook), ensures population viability.
Part of this population management process involves the use of various assisted reproductive techniques (for example, in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, embryo transfer) and reproductive monitoring (ultrasound and non-invasive endocrinology).
The first experimental translocation of marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) was carried out between 1992 and 1994. This was part of the environmental and ecological studies to obtain the Operation License of the "Sérgio Motta" Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP). It was leaded by the researcher Laurenz Pinder, and some marsh deer were relocated in the Paraná River floodplain, upstream of the HPP.
In 1998, some animals coming from population the banks of the Parana River, affected by the construction of "Sergio Motta" HPP, were reintroduced in two areas within the state of São Paulo. The animals were individually identified with radio-collars and monitored daily by radio-telemetry, in order to study their patterns of use of space and their living areas.
However, these projects were only viable after the establishment of a large and sustainable captive population, which NUPECCE has been working on for years.
In this sense, NUPECCE has committed itself as the headquarters of the National Action Plan for the ex situ Conservation of the Marsh Deer, where the in situ, ex situ, demographic, genealogical, reproductive and genetic management program is coordinated. This work, was recognized by the "Biodiversity Award" (2017), in the "Academy category" of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA).
In addition, NUPECCE has the most important collection of captive species of the genus Mazama worldwide. Research with these species mainly aims to resolve taxonomic uncertainties, since the classification of species of this genus has been controversial, both at a specific and subspecific level. In deed, populations of a given location, which have a dubious classification, could in the future be classified as a new species, and already be in serious danger of extinction. With that in mind, the studbook for certain species is in the development phase (e.g. Mazama bororo).
Thus, NUPECCE has vast knowledge in the management of neotropical deer. To find out more about us, search our publications by clicking here, or contact our team.