Scientific Papers
MORINI, R. F. S.; RIBEIRO, R. C.; TRENTINI, I. P.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; SILVA, A. R.; OLIVEIRA, M. L. 2023. Do media reports reflect the real threats to wildlife? Biological Conservation, 277:109853. < DOI.
TOLEDO, G. N.; GALINDO, D. J.; ABRAHÃO, M. B.; SPERCOSKI, K. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MOREIRA, N. 2023. Monitoring estrous cycle in Brazilian dwarf brocket deer (Mazama nana) by fecal progestagen metabolites and behavior. Theriogenology Wild, 2:100016. < DOI.
SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; NETO, V. N.; BALDINI, M. H. M.; CEREZO, M. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; COSTA, M. J. R. P. 2022. Scent-marking and maintenance behaviour of captive red brocket males (Mazama rufa) kept eight hours in a new environment. Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, 5(4):3908–3921.< DOI.
LEANDRO, S. F. S.; CARNELOSSI, E. A. G.; PERES, P. H. F.; RIBEIRO, R. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Definition of mtDNA markers for studies in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) based on fecal samples. International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences, 9(5):1-8. < URL.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; PERES, P. H. F.; GROTTA-NETO, F.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; PASSOS, F. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Using niche modelling and human influence index to indicate conservation priorities for Atlantic forest deer species. Journal for Nature Conservation, 69:126262. < DOI.
BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; BORGES, C. H. S.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; CARTES, J. L.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; KUBICKOVA, S.; VOZDOVA, M.; CAPARROZ, R.; GONZÁLEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Resurrection of the genus Subulo Smith, 1827 for the gray brocket deer, with designation of a neotype. Journal of Mammalogy, gyac068. < DOI.
GALETTI, M.; CARMIGNOTTO, A. P.; PERCEQUILLO, A. R.; SANTOS, M. C. O.; FERRAZ, K. M. P. M. B.; LIMA, F.; VANCINE, M. H.; MUYLAERT, R. L.; BONFIM, F. C. G.; MAGIOLI, M.; ABRA, F. D.; CHIARELLO, A. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MORATO, R.; BEISIEGEL, B. M.; OLMOS, F.; GALETTI Jr., P. M.; RIBEIRO, M. C. 2022. Mammals in São Paulo State: diversity, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Biota Neotropica, 22(spe):e20221363. < DOI.
BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; VOZDOVA, M.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; KUBICKOVA, S.; GALINDO, D. J.; KADLCIKOVA, D.; RUBES, J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Cytogenetic mapping of cattle BAC probes for the hypothetical ancestral karyotype of the family Cervidae. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, < DOI.
COSSE, M.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GONZÁLEZ, S. 2022. Home range of pampas deer in a human–dominated agro–ecosystem. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 45(2):237-243. < DOI.
MELO, L. M.; SILVA, S. B.; MAGALHÃES, L. C.; CORTEZ, J. V.; KUMAR, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; ROLA, L. D.; CHAVES, M. S.; FREITAS, V. J. F. 2022. The use of somatic cell nuclear transfer to obtain interspecific cloned embryos from brown brocket deer karyoplast and bovine cytoplast: Embryo development and nuclear gene expression. Theriogenology Wild, 1:100001. < DOI.
SOUZA, T. T. S.; VAN TILBURG, M. F.; BEZERRA, M. J. B.; ROLA, L. D.; PEREIRA, L. M. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; CHAVES, M. S.; MELO, L. M.; MOURA, A. A. A. N.; FREITAS, V. J. F. 2022. Global proteomic analysis of the follicular fluid from brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira; Fisher, 1814). European Journal of Wildlife Research, 68:13. < DOI.
DE SOUZA, L. J.; TANAKA, Y.; DI SANTO, L. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Effect of dietary fiber on fecal androgens levels: An experimental analysis in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 321-322:114029. < DOI.
BALDINI, M. H. M.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Assessment of transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in Neotropical deer: An estimative based on serology. Veterinary Parasitology, 303:109677. < DOI.
VACARI, G. Q.; PERES, P. H. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Cross amplified microsatellites loci for the red brocket deer complex (Mazama americana Erxleben, 1777). Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, 5(1):256-265. < DOI.
MANTELLATTO, A. M. B.; GONZÁLEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Cytochrome b sequence of the Mazama americana jucunda Thomas, 1913 holotype reveals Mazama bororo Duarte, 1996 as its junior synonym. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 45(1):e20210093. < DOI.
TEIXEIRA, W. F. P.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; PERES, P. H. F.; OLIVEIRA, B. C. M.; NAGATA, W. B.; VIEIRA, D. S.; JUNIOR, A. M. A.; FERRARI, E. D.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MEIRELES, M. V.; LOPES, W. D. Z.; BRESCIANI, K. D. S. 2022. First report of genus Cryptosporidium in cervids species: Mazama americana, Mazama nana and Blastocerus dichotomus. Veterinary Research Communications, 46(1):49-58. < DOI.
SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; ROLA, L. D.; MORALES-DONOSO, J. A.; GALLINA, S.; REYNA-HURTADO, R.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2022. Integrative analysis of Mazama temama (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) and designation of a neotype for the species. Journal of Mammalogy, gyab169. < DOI.
PERES, P. H. F.; LUDUVÉRIO, D. J.; BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; GALINDO, D. J.; NASCIMENTO, G. B.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; VOZDOVA, M.; KUBICKOVA, S.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Revalidation of Mazama rufa (Illiger 1815) (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) as a Distinct Species out of the Complex Mazama americana (Erxleben 1777). Frontiers in Genetics, 12:742870. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; GROTTA-NETTO, F.; PERES, P. H. F.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; BROCARDO, C. R.; CHEREM, J. J.; LANDIS, M.; FAOLINO, R. M.; FUSCO-COSTA, R.; GATTI, A.; MOREIRA, D. O.; FERREIRA, P. M.; MENDES, S. L.;HUGUENIN, J.; ZANIN, M.; NODARI, J. Z.; LEITE, Y. L. R.; LYRIO, G. S.;FERRAZ, K. M. P. M. B.; PASSOS, F. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Elusive deer occurrences at the Atlantic Forest: 20 years of surveys. Mammal Research. < DOI.
PERES, P. H. F.; GROTTA-NETTO, F.; LUDUVÉRIO, D. J.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Implications of unreliable species identification methods for Neotropical deer conservation planning. Perspective in Ecology and Conservation, 19(4):435-442. < DOI.
ROLA, L. D.; BUZANSKAS, M. E.; MELO, L. M.; CHAVES, M. S.; FREITAS, V. J. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Assisted reproductive technology in Neotropical deer: A model approach to preserving genetic diversity. Animals, 11(7):1961. < DOI.
TANAKA, Y.; HERÉDIAS-RIBAS, C. M.; BALDINI, M. H. M.; GUEVARA, J. E. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Evaluation of potential seasonality in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) bucks. Theriogenology, 171:104-112. < DOI.
GALINDO, D. J.; VOZDOVA, M.; KUBICKOVA, S.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; KADLCIKOVA, D.; RUBES, J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Sperm chromosome segregation of rob(4;16) and rob(4;16)inv(4) in the brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Theriogenology, 168:33-40. < DOI.
ASSUMPÇÃO, T. I.; SANTOS, A. L. Q.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; FOSCHINI, M.; VIEIRA, C. S. 2021. Selection of high-quality sperms by the nanotechnological method of magnetic activation in Brazilian cervids. Journal of Zoological Research, 03(2):31-37. < DOI.
ABRAHÃO, M. B.; GALINDO, D. J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Fecal progestins during post-partum period of one captive Amazonian brown brocket deer (Mazama nemorivaga). DSG Newsletter, 32:61-71. < URL.
NETO, V. N.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; DA COSTA, M. J. R. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Mother and fawn interactions in captive red brocket deer (Mazama americana) during 72 hours after birth. DSG Newsletter, 32:52-60. < URL.
TEIXEIRA, W. F. P.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; PERES, P. H. F.; NAGATA, W. B.; SANTANA, B. N.; OLIVEIRA, B. C.M.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; CARDOSO, T. C.; LOPES, W. D. Z.; BRESCIANI, K. D. S. 2021 Cryptosporidium parvum in brown brocket (Mazama gouazoubira) from Brazil: First report of the subtype IIaA16G3R1 in cervids. Parasitology International, 80:102216. < DOI.
GALINDO, D. J.; MARTINS, G. S.; VOZDOVA, M.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; KUBICKOVA, S.; BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; KADLCIKOVA, D.; RUBES, J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Chromosomal polymorphism and speciation: the case of the genus Mazama (Cetartiodactyla; Cervidae). Genes, 12(2):165. < DOI.
NOGUEIRA, S. S.; NOGUEIRA-FILHO, S. L. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MENDL, M. 2021. Temperament, plasticity, and emotions in defensive behaviour of paca (Mammalia, Hystricognatha). Animals, 11(2):293. < DOI.
VOZDOVA, M.; KUBICKOVA, S.; MARTINKOVA, N.; GALINDO, D. J.; BERNEGOSSI, A. M.; CERNOHORSKA, H.; KADLCIKOVA, D.; MUSILOVA, P.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; RUBES, J. 2021. Satellite DNA in Neoropical deer species. Genes, 12(1):123. <DOI.
ROLA, L. D.; ZANETTI, E. S.; COLLADO, M.; PERONI, E. F. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2021. Collection and in vitro maturation of Mazama gouazoubira (brown brocket deer) oocytes obtained after ovarian stimulation. Zygote, 1-7. < DOI.
GROTTA-NETO, F.; PERES, P. H. F.; PIOVEZAN, U.; PASSOS, F. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Hunting practices of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) and predation by vampires bats (Desmodus rotundus) as a potential route of rabies in the Brazilian Pantanal. Austral Ecology, 46(2):324-328. < DOI.
SILVA, B. F. S.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Assessing the morphological identification of guard hairs from Brazilian deer. Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 110: e2020029. < DOI.
NAGAY-REIS, M.; OSHIMA, J. E. F.; KANDA, C. Z.; PALMEIRA, F. B. L.; MELO, F. R.; MORATO, R. G.; BONJORNE, l.; MAGIOLI, M.; LEUCHTENBERGER, C.; ROHE, F.; LEMOS, F. G.; MARTELLO, F.; ALVES-EIGENHEER, M.; SILVA, R. A.; SANTOS, J. S.; PRIANTE, C. F.; BERNARDO, R.; ROGERI, P.; ASSIS, J. C.; GASPAR, L. P.; TONETTI, V. R.; TRINCA, C. T.; RIBEIRO, A. S.; BOCCHIGLIERI, A.; HASS, A.; CANTERI, A.; CHIARELLO, A. G., et al. 2020. NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics. Ecology, 101(11):e03128. < DOI.
ROSA, C. A.; RIBEIRO, B. R.; BEJARANO, V.; PUERTAS, F. H.; BOCCHIGLIERI, A.; BARBOSA, A. L. S.; CHIARELLO, A. G.; PAGLIA, A. P.; PEREIRA, A. A.; MOREIRA, A. F. S.; SOUZA, A. C.; PELLEGRIN, A.; GATICA, A.; MEDEIRO, A. Z.; PEREIRA, A. D.; BRAZ, A. G.; YANOSKY, A. E. J. V.; BERTASSONI, A.; PRADO, A. S. V.; NAVA, A. F. D.; ROCHA, A.; BOVO, A. A. A.; BAGER, A.; CRAVINO, A.; PIRES, A. S.; MARTENSEN, A. C.; FILIPPINI, A., et al. 2020. NEOTROPICAL ALIEN MAMMALS: a data set of ocurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics. Ecology, 101(11):e03115. < DOI.
TANAKA, Y.; AMERICANO, A. P.; GALINDO, D. J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Low invasive estrous synchronization protocol for wild animals: an example with melengestrol acetate in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Animal Reproduction, 17(4):e20200526. < DOI.
GROTTA-NETO, F.; PERES, P. H. F.; PIOVEZAN, U.; PASSOS, F. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Camera trap feasibility for ecological studies of elusive forest deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 44(3):640-647. < DOI.
GONZÁLEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Speciation, evolutionary history and conservation trends of Neotropical deer. Mastozoología Neotropical, 27(S1):37-47. < DOI.
CIFUENTES-RINCON, A.; MORALES-DONOSO, J. A.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; TOMAZELLA, I. M.; MANTELLATTO, A. M. B.; THOISY, B.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Designation of a neotype for Mazama americana (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) reveals a cryptic new complex of brocket deer species. Zookeys, 958:143-164. < DOI.
QUADROS, A. P. N.; TANAKA, Y.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Avaliação do acetato de melengestrol (MGA) na sincronização do estro em fêmeas de veado-mão-curta (Mazama nana) e veado-roxo (Mazama nemorivaga): estudo piloto. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 44(2):78-80. < URL.
FREITAS, V. J. F.; MELO, L. M.; MAGALHAES, L. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Transferência nuclear de células somáticas interespecíficas (TNCSi) na conservação de cervídeos em risco de extinção. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 44(2):45-49. < URL.
ALVAREZ, M. C. L.; ROLA, L. D.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Comparison between three cryoprotectants in the freezing of Mazama americana semen collected by artificial vagina. Biopreservation and Biobanking, Online ahead of print. < DOI.
MAGALHÃES, L. C.; CORTEZ, J. V.; BHAT, M. H.; SAMPAIO, A. C. N. P. C.; FREITAS, J. L. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MELO, L. M.; FREITAS, V. J. F. 2020. In vitro development and mitochondrial gene expression in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) embryos obtained by interspecific somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cellular reprogramming, 22:4. < DOI.
DA SILVA, A. R.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Incorporating the sampling effectiveness of detection dogs in the faecal standing crop method. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 66:47. < DOI.
BLACK-DÉCIMA, P.; HURTADO, A. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SANTANA, M. 2020. Acoustic parametersof courtship and human-directed friendly vocalisations in seven species of Neotropical deer in captivity. Animal Production Science, 60(10):1283-1291. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; CRIVELARO, R. M.; TANAKA, Y.; BLANK, M. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Asynchronous breeding in red brocket deer (Mazama americana): seasonal changes in male reproductive characteristics, seminal parameters, androgen levels, and antler cycle. Mammalian Biology, 100:253-259. < DOI.
MANTELLATTO, A. M. B.; GONZÁLEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Molecular identification of Mazama species (Cervidae: Artiodactyla) from natural history collections. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 43(2):e20190008. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; PERES, P. H. F.; GATTI, A.; MORALES-DONOSO, J. A.; MANGINI, P. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2020. Faecal DNA and camera traps detect an evolutionarily significant unit of the Amazonian brocket deer in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 66:28. < DOI.
ANDRÉ, M. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GONÇALVES, L. R.; SACCHI, A. B. V.; JUSI, M. M. G.; MACHADO, R. Z. 2020. New records and genetic diversity of Mycoplasma ovis in free-ranging deer in Brazil. Epidemiology and Infection, 148:e6. < DOI.
VIDAL, A. C.; ROLDAN, M.; CHRISTOFOLETTI, M. D.; TANAKA, Y.; GALINDO, D. J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2019. Stress in captive Blue-fronted parrots (Amazona aestiva): the animalists’ tale. Conservation Physiologyi, coz097. < DOI.
SOUZA, T. T. S.; BEZERRA, M. J. B.; VAN TILBURG, M. F.; NAGANO, C. S.; ROLA, L. D.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MELO, L. M.; MOURA, A. A.; FREITAS, V. J. F. 2019. Protein profile of the ovarian follicular fluid of brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira; Fisher, 1814). Zygote, page 1 of 4. < DOI.
TANAKA, Y.; SANDOVAL, E. D. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2019. Non-homogeneous distribution of steroids in fecal pellets: An example in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) with progesterone metabolites. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 282(1):113206. < DOI.
ZANATTO, D. C. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.;LABRUNA, M. B.; TASSO, J. B.; CALCHI, A. C.;MACHADO, R. Z.; ANDRÉ, M. R. 2019. Evidence of exposure to Coxiella burnetii in neotropical free-living cervids in South America. Acta Tropica, 197:105037. < DOI.
CARREGARO, A. B.; FERRARI, B. G.; DA SILVA, A. N. E.; XAVIER, N. V.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2019. Azaperone and xylazine: A pharmacological combination to facilitate captive deer management for red brocket deer (Mazama americana). PLoS ONE, 14(8): e0220288. < DOI.
SANTOS, P. M.; BOCCHIGLIERI, A.; CHIARELLO, A.G.; PAGLIA, A. P. et al. 2019. NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics. Ecology, 100(7):e02663. < DOI.
GROTTA-NETO, F.; PERES, P. H. F.; PIOVEZAN, U.; PASSOS, F. C; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2019. Influential factors on gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) activity and movement in the Pantanal, Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy, 100(2):454-463. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. C; COUTO, H. T. Z.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2019. Distribution of the elusive and threatened Brazilian dwarf brocket deer refined by non-invasive genetic sampling and distribution modelling. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65:21. < DOI.
MANNISE, N.; TROVATI, R. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MALDONADO, J. E.; GONZÁLEZ, S. 2018. Using non–invasive genetic techniques to assist in maned wolf conservation in a remnant fragment of the Brazilian Cerrado. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 41(2):315–319. < DOI.
PERLES, l.; FIGUEREIDO, M. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2018. Transferabilidade de iniciadores de regiões microssatélites produzidos em veado catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) para uso em estudos genéticos com cervos-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus). Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, 1(2):320-328. < URL.
GONÇALVES, F.; BOVENDORP, R. S.; BECA, G.; BELLO, C.; COSTA, R.; MUYLAERT, R. L.; RODARTE, R. R.; VILLAR, N.; SOUZA, R.; GRAIPEL, M. E.; CHEREM, J. J.; FARIA, D.;BAUMGARTEN, J.; ALVAREZ, M. R.; VIEIRA, E. M.; CÁCERES, N.; PARDINI, R.; LEITE, Y. L. R.; COSTA, L. P.; MELLO, M. A. R.; FISCHER, E.; PASSOS, F. C.; VARZINCZAK, L. H.; PREVEDELLO, J. A.; CRUZ-NETO, A. P., et al. 2018. ATLANTIC MAMMAL TRAITS: a data set of morphological traits of mammals in the Atlantic Forest of South America. Ecology, 99(2):498-498. < DOI.
CARRANZA, J.; ROMERO, M. DUARTE, J. M. B. 2018. Lack of mate selectivity for genetic compatibility within the red brocket deer Mazama americana complex. Mammalian Biology, 88:168-175. < DOI.
POLEGATO, B. F. ; ZANETTI, E. dos S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2018. Monitoring ovarian cycles, pregnancy and post-partum in captive marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) by measuring fecal steroids. Conservation Physiology, 6:1-11. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G. ; CHRISTOFOLETTI, M. D.; BLANK, M. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2018. Urofecal steroid profiles of captive Blue-fronted parrots (Amazona aestiva ) with different reproductive outcomes. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 260:1-8. < DOI.
NAVAS-SUÁREZ, P. E.; DÍAZ-DELGADO, J.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; FÁVERO, C. M.; SÁNCHEZ SARMIENTO, A. M.; SACRISTÁN, C.; EWBANK, A. C.; MARQUES JOPPERT, A.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; DOS SANTOS-CIRQUEIRA, C.; COGLIATI, B.; MESQUITA, L.; MAIORKA, P. C.; CATÃO-DIAS, J. L. 2018. A retrospective pathology study of two Neotropical deer species (1995-2015), Brazil: Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) and brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). PLoS One, 13: e0198670. < DOI.
KAWANAMI, A. E.; OLIVEIRA, J. P. DE; ARENALES, A.; CROSSLEY, B.; WOODS, L. W.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; WERTHER, K. 2018. Detection of bluetongue virus in Brazilian cervids in São Paulo state. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 38(1):137-142. < DOI.
VALERI, M. P.; TOMAZELLA, I. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2018. Intrapopulation Chromosomal Polymorphism in Mazama gouazoubira (Cetartiodactyla; Cervidae): The Emergence of a New Species?. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 154(3):147-152. < DOI.
GONZALEZ, S.; MANTELLATTO, A. M. B.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2018. Craniometrical diferentiation of gray brocket deer speies from Brazil. Revista del Museo de Ciencias Naturales , 20(1):179-193. < URL.
CRIVELARO, R. M.; THIESEN, R.; ALDROVANI, M.; LIMA, T. B.; ORTENCIO, K. P.; PADUA, I. R. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; LAUS, J. L. 2018. Electroretinography in eight species of neotropical deer. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, 70(5):1505-1513. < DOI.
CARDOSO, M. L. V.; FERREIRA, P. B.; WANDERLEY, A. M.; TORRES R. A.; GOMES, M. T.; TEIXEIRA, R. H. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GARCIA, J. E. 2018. A cost-effective method for rapid identification of the southern muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides): A contribution for the control of illegal bushmeat trade. Mastozoología Neotropical, 25(1):35-41. < DOI.
PERES, P. H. F.; POLVERINI, M. S.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2017. Accessing camera trap survey feasibility for estimating Blastocerus dichotomus (Cetartiodactyla, Cervidae) demographic parameters. Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 107:e2017041. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; TALARICO, A. C.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; GARCIA, J. E.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; MALDONADO, J. E.; GONZÁLEZ, S. 2017. Scat detection dogs, DNA and species distribution modelling reveal a diminutive geographical range for the Vulnerable small red brocket deer Mazama bororo. Oryx, 51:656-664. < DOI.
SALVIANO, M. B.; CURSINO, M. S.; ZANETTI, E. S.; ABRIL, V. V.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2017. Intraspecific chromosome polymorphisms can lead to reproductive isolation and speciation: an example in red brocket deer (Mazama americana). Biology of Reproduction, 96(6):1279–1287. < DOI.
TOMAZELLA, I. M.; ABRIL, V. V.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2017. Identifying Mazama gouazoubira (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) chromosomes involved in rearrangements induced by doxorubicin. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 40(2):460-467. < DOI.
FALCÃO, C. B. R.; LIMA, I. L. DE M. N. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; DE OLIVEIRA, J. R. M.; TORRES, R. A.; WANDERLEY, A. M.; GOMES DA CUNHA, J. E.; GARCIA, J. E. 2017. Are Brazilian cervids at risk of prion diseases?. Prion, 11(1):1-6. < DOI.
NOGUEIRA, S. S. C.; REIS, A. M.; MARSARO, S. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MORETO, V; LIMA, S. G. C.; COSTA, T. S. O.; NOGUEIRA-FILHO, S. L. G. 2017. The defensive behavioral patterns of captive white-lipped and collared peccary (Mammalia, Tayassuidae): an approach for conservation of the species. Acta Ethologica, 20(2):127-136. < DOI.
COSTA, E. B. V.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; PERES, P. H. F.; GROTTA-NETO, F.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; PIOVEZAN, U.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2017. Low accuracy of identifying Neotropical deer species by scat morphology. Studies on Neotropica Fauna and Environment, 52(1):37-42. < DOI.
SILVA-NETO, A. A. ; FERREIRA, P. B. ; TORRES, R. A. ; TEXEIRA, R. H. F. ; DUARTE, J. M. B. ; BARBOSA, A. C. ; VARGAS, R. C. ; GARCIA, J. E. 2016. Diagnostic Cytochrome b gene profiles for the identification of paca (Cuniculus paca) bushmeat: implications for the monitoring of illegal hunting and wildlife trade. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 76(1):55-58. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; PERES, P. H. F.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; GROTTA-NETO, F.; AZEVEDO, A. D. K.; CERVEIRA, J. F.; NASCIMENTO, G. B.; PERUZZI, N. J.; CARRANZA, J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2016. Phylogenetic signal in the circadian rhythm of morphologically convergent species of Neotropical deer. Mammalian Biology, 81(3):281-289. < DOI.
CURSINO, M. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2016. Using sperm morphometry and multivariate analysis to differentiate species of gray. Royal Society Open Science, 3(11):160345. < DOI.
SILVESTRE, T.; ZANETTI, E. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; BARRIENTO, F. G.; HIRANO, Z. M. B.; SOUZA, J. C.; PASSOS, F. C. 2016. Ovarian cycle of southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans) through fecal progestin measurement. Primates, 58(1):131-139. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. E. F.; ZANETTI, E. S.; CURSINO, M. S.; DE FÁTIMA C. P. E.; ROLA, L. D.; FELICIANO, M. A. R.; CANOLA, J. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2016. First live offspring of Amazonian brown brocket deer (Mazama nemorivaga) born by artificial insemination. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62(6):767-770. < DOI.
MORENO, F.; FIGUEIREDO, G.; MANNISE, N.; IRIARTE, A.; GONZALEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; COSSE, M. 2016. Use of next-generation molecular tools in archaeological neotropical deer sample analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10:403-410. < DOI.
MACHADO, M. R. F.; LEAL, L. M.; SASAHARA, T. H. C.; OLIVEIRA, F. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; OKUDA, H. T. 2015. Morfologia do Estômago do cervo-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus, Illiger 1815). Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 67(2):424-432. < DOI.
ARISTIMOÑO, M. P.; GONZALEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2015. Population structure and genetic variability of the gray-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira; Mammalia: Cervidae) in Uruguayan populations. Deer Specialist Group News, 27:58-66. < URL.
GONZALEZ, S.; COSSE, M.; FRANCO, M. R.; EMMONS, L.; VYNNE, C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; BECCACESI, M.; MALDONADO, J. E. 2015. Population structure of mtDNA variation due to Pleistocene fluctuations in the South American maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus, Illiger, 1815): Management Units for Conservation. Journal of Heredity, 106(s1):459-468. < DOI.
GINÉ, G. A. F.; BARROS, E. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; FARIA, D. 2015. Home range and multiscale habitat selection of threatened thin-spined porcupine in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Mammalogy, 96(5):1095-1105. < DOI.
CAPARROZ, R.; MANTELLATTO, A. M. B.; BERTIOLI, D.; FIGUEIREDO, M. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2015. Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers through next-generation sequencing for the brown brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 38(3):338-345. < DOI.
CURSINO, M. S.; SALVIANO, M. B.; ABRIL, V. V.; ZANETTI, E. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2014. The role of chromosome variation in the speciation of the red brocket deer complex: the study of reproductive isolation in females. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14:40. < DOI.
ZANETTI, E. S.; MUNERATO, M. S.; CURSINO, M. S.; DUARTE, J. M. 2014. Comparing two different superovulation protocols on ovarian activity and fecal glucocorticoid levels in the brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 12:24. < DOI.
CARVALHO, F. M.; ARAKAKI, P. R.; NICHI, M.; MUNIZ, J. A. P. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; VALLE, R. R. 2014. Evaluation of Sperm quality in successive regular collections from captive black-and-gold howler monkey (Alouatta caraya). Animal Reproduction, 11(1):11-18. < URL.
ANGELI, T.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2014. Differentiation of deer species of the genus Mazama by track morphometry. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 49(3):199-203. < DOI.
RODRIGUES, T. F.; CERVEIRA, J. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2014. Uso de áreas agrícolas por Mazama gouazoubira (Mammalia, Cervidae) no Estado de São Paulo. Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 104(4):439-445. < DOI.
GALLI, G. R. O.; ASSIS, N. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GIRIO, R. J. S. 2014. Anticorpos contra Leptospira spp em cervos-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus) na bacia do Rio Paraná, Estados de São Paulo e Matogrosso do Sul, Brasil. ARS Veterinária, 30:92-99. < DOI.
AQUINO, C. I.; ABRIL, V. V.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2013. Meiotic pairing of B chromosomes, multiple sexual system, and Robertsonian fusion in the red brocket deer Mazama americana (Mammalia, Cervidae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 12(3):3566-3574. < DOI.
FIORILLO, B. F.; PEREA, J. A. S.; ABRIL, V. V.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2013. Cytogenetic description of the Amazonian brown brocket Mazama nemorivaga (Artiodactyla, Cervidae). Comparative Cytogenetics, 7(1):25-31. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. .2013. Amplifiability of mitochondrial, microsatellite and amelogenin DNA loci from fecal samples of red brocket deer Mazama americana (Cetartiodactyla, Cervidae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 12(1):44-52. < DOI.
SOUZA, J. N.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2013. A PCR/RFLP methodology to identify non-Amazonian Brazilian deer species. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3):639-641. < DOI.
KREPSCHI, V. G.; POLEGATO, B. F.; ZANETTI, E. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2013. Fecal progestins during pregnancy and postpartum periods of captive red brocket deer (Mazama americana). Animal Reproduction Science, 137(1-2):62-68. < DOI.
ROLA, L. D.; ZANETTI, E. D. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2013. Evaluation of semen characteristics of the Mazama americana in captivity. Animal Production Science, 53(5):472-477. < DOI.
CAMARGO, C. M. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; FAGLIARI, J. J.; SANTANA, A. M.; SIMPLICIO, K. M. M. G.; SANTANA, A. E. 2013. Effect of sex and seasons of the year on hematologic and serum biochemical variables of captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 33(11):1364-1370. < DOI.
MUNERATO, M. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; PEREIRA, G. T.; MARQUES, J. A. 2013. Physiologic effects of three different protocols of isoflurane anesthesia in captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 44(4):889-898. < DOI.
ANDRIOLO, A.; PIOVEZAN, U.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; TORRES, H. A.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; ZERBINI, A. N.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2013. Severe population decline of marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus (Cetartiodactyla: Cervidae), a threatened species, caused by flooding related to a hydroelectric power plant. Zoologia (Curitiba): an international journal for zoology, 30(6):630-638. < DOI.
GINÉ, G. A. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MOTTA, T. C. S.; FARIA, D. 2012. Activity, movement and secretive behavior of a threatened arboreal folivore, the thin-spined porcupine, in the Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Zoology, 286(2):131-139. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; NORRIS, D.; RAMÍREZ, J. F. M.; PERES, P. H. F.; GALETTI, M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2012. Dogs can detect scat samples more efficiently than humans: an experiment in a continuous Atlantic Forest remnant. Zoologia (Curitiba), 29(2):183-186. < DOI.
ROLA, L. D.; ZANETTI, E. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2012. Avaliação de dois métodos para condicionamento e coleta de sêmen em quatro espécies do gênero Mazama. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 32(7):658-662. < DOI.
SACCHI, A. B.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; ANDRÉ, M. R.; MACHADO, R. Z. 2012. Prevalence and molecular characterization of Anaplasmataceae agents in free-ranging Brazilian marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 35(4):325-334. < DOI.
FAVORETTO, S. M.; ZANETI, E. S.; Duarte, J. M. B. 2012. Cryopreservation of red brocket deer semen (Mazama americana): comparison between three extenders. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 43(4)820-827. < DOI.
GRAZZIOTIN, A. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SZABÓ, M. P. J.; SANTOS, A. P.; GUIMARÃES, A. M. S.; MOHAMED, A.; VIEIRA, R. F. C.; BARROS FILHO, I. R.; BIONDO, A. W.; MESSICK, J. B. 2011. Prevalence and molecular characterization of Mycoplasma ovis in selected free-ranging Brazilian deer populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 47(4):1005-1011. < DOI.
ZANETTI, E. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2012. Comparison of three protocols for superovulation of brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Zoo Biology, 31(6):642-655. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; GRANZINOLLI, M. A. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Annual profile of fecal androgen and glucocorticoid levels in free-living male American kestrels from southern mid-latitude areas. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 166(1):94-103. < DOI.
ARAÚJO J., J. P.; NOGUEIRA, M. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Survey for foot-and-mouth disease in the endangered marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from marshlands of Parana River Basin, Brazil. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 46(3):939-943. < DOI.
ABRIL, V. V.; CARNELOSSI, E. A. G.; GONZÁLEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Elucidating the Evolution of the Red Brocket Deer Mazama americana Complex (Artiodactyla; Cervidae). Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 128(1-3):177-187. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, M. L.; FERREIRA, R. M.; GOMES, M. Pa.; IHA, D. S.; LORENZON, C. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Estudo populacional de gambás, Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Didelphidae), em um pequeno fragmento florestal. Mastozoología Neotropical, 17(1):161-165. < URL.
MANTELLATTO, A. M. B.; CANELOSSI, E. A. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Transferability of microsatellite loci from exotic Cervidae to Brazilian brocket deer (Mazama spp., Mammalia: Cervidae). Genetics and Molecular Research, 9(1):277-282. < DOI.
ZANETTI, E. S.; POLEGATO, B. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Comparison of two methods of synchronization of estrus in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Animal Reproduction Science, 117(3-4):266-274. < DOI.
TROVATI, R. G.; BRITO, B. A.; DUARTE J. M. B. 2010. Habitat use and home range of brown-nosed coati, Nasua nasua (Carnivora: Procyonidae) in the Brazilian Cerrado. Revista de Biología Tropical, 58(3):1069-1077. < DOI.
GINÉ, G. A. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; FARIA, D. 2010. Feeding ecology of a selective folivore, the thin-spined porcupine (Chaetomys subspinosus) in the Atlantic forest. Journal of Mammalogy, 91(4):931-941. < DOI.
HOPPE, E. G. L.; SCHMIDT, E. M. S.; ZANUZZO, F. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; NASCIMENTO, A. A. 2010. Haematology of captive grey-brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira (Fischer, 1814) (Cervidae: Odocoileinae). Comparative Clinical Pathology, 19(1):29-32. < DOI.
VARGAS-MUNAR, D. S. F.; SARRIA-PEREA, J. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Different responses to doxorubicin-induced chromosome aberrations in Brazilian deer species. Genetics and Molecular Research, 9(3):1545-1549. < DOI.
CHRISTOFOLETTI, M. D.; PEREIRA, R. J. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2010. Influence of husbandry systems on physiological stress reactions of captive brown brocket (Mazama gouazoubira) and marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) noninvasive analysis of fecal cortisol metabolites. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56(4):561-568. < DOI.
GALETTI, M.; PARDINI, R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SILVA, V. M. F.; ROSSI, A.; PERES, C. A. 2010. Mudanças no Código Florestal e seu impacto na ecologia e diversidade dos mamíferos no Brasil. Biota Neotropica, 10(4):47-52. < DOI.
MUNERATO, M. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B; PEREIRA, G. T.; MARQUES, J. A. 2010. Effects of physical and chemical immobilization on hematologic and biochemical variables in captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 39(4):454-463. < DOI.
VOGLIOTTI, A; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2009. Discovery of the first wild population of the small red brocket deer Mazama bororo (Artiodactyla-Cervidae). Mastozoología Neotropical, 16(2): 499-503. < URL.
GONZÁLEZ, S.; MALDONADO, J. E.; ORTEGA, J.; TALARICO, A. C.; BIDEGARAY-BATISTA, L.; GARCIA, J. E.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2009. Identification of the endangered small red brocket deer (Mazama bororo) using noninvasive genetic techniques (Mammalia; Cervidae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 9(3):754-758. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; GRANZINOLLI, M. A. M.; DE BARROS, F. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2009. Influence of radiotransmitters on fecal glucocorticoid levels of free-ranging male american kestrels. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 73(5):772-778. < DOI.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; LABRUNA, M. B.; GARCIA, M. V.; PINTER, A; CASTAGNOLLI, K. C.; PACHECO, R. C.; CASTRO, M. B.; VERONEZ, V. A.; MAGALHAES, G. M.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2009. Ecological aspects of the free-living ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on animal trails within Atlantic rainforest in south-eastern Brazil. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 103(1):57-72. < DOI.
MUNERATO, M. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MARQUES, J. A. 2009. Carotid artery exteriorization in Brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) for an experimental study of anesthesia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 40(3):474-477. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, E. J. F.; GARCIA, J. E.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; CONTEL, E. P. B. 2009. Development and characterization of microsatellite loci in the marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus Cervidae). Conservation Genetics, 10:1505-1506. < DOI.
VERSIANI, N. F.; PEREIRA, R. J. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2009. Annual variations in fecal androgen metabolites and antler cycle of captive red brocket bucks (Mazama americana) in southeast Brazil. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 55(5):535-538. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B. 2008. A simple technique to safe capture the endangered wild marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 39(4):596-599. < DOI.
ABRIL, V. V.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2008. Chromosome polymorphism in the Brazlian dwarf brocket deer, Mazama nana (Mammalia, Cervidae). Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31(1):53-57. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; GONZALEZ, S.; MALDONADO, J. 2008. The surprising evolutionary history of South American deer. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49(1):17-22. < DOI.
MUNERATO, M. S.; ZANETTI, E. S.; MARQUES, J. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2008. Effects of laparoscopy on the cardiorespiratory system of brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) anesthetized with ketamne/xylazine/midazolan combination and isoflurane. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 28(11):555-560. < DOI.
KOESTER, A. D.; AZEVEDO, C. R.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2008. Ocorrência de Atelocynus microtis (Sclater, 1882) na Floresta Nacional do Jamari, estado de Rondônia. Biota Neotropica, 8(4):bn031. < DOI.
SANTANA, A. M.; FAGLIARI, J. J.; CAMARGO, C. M. S.; SANTANA, A. E.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SILVA, P. R. L. 2008. Proteinograma sérico de veados-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) criados em cativeiro obtido por eletroforese em gel de agarose e de poliacrilamida (SDS PAGE). Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 60(6):1560-1563. < DOI.
LEITE, K. C. E.; COLLEVATTI, R. G.; MENEGASSO, T. R.; TOMAS, W. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2007. Transferability of microsatellite loci from Cervidae species to the endangered Brazilian marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus. Genetics and Molecular Research, 6(2):325-330. < URL.
GARCIA, J. E.; RAMOS, P. R. R.; BORTOLOZZI, J. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2007. Variabilidade genética em cervídeos do gênero Mazama baseada no polimorfismo da transferrina, albumina sérica e hemoglobina. Sitientibus, Série Ciências Biológicas, 7(1):56-59. < URL.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; BOTELHO, M. C.; RAMOS, H. G. C.; GARCIA, M. V.; CASTAGNOLLI, K. C.; PINTER, A.; VERONEZ, V. A.; MAGALHAES, G. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; LABRUNA, M. B. 2007. Species diversity and seasonality of free-living ticks (Acari : Ixodidae) in the natural habitat of wild Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in Southeastern Brazil. Veterinary Parasitology, 143(2):147-154. < DOI.
TROVATI, R. G.; BRITO, B. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2007. Área de uso e utilização de habitat por cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous LINNAEUS, 1766) no cerrado da região central do Tocantins, Brasil. Mastozoologia Neotropical, 14(1):61-68. < URL.
GONZALEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2007. Non invasive methods for genetic analysis applied to ecological and behavioral studies in Latino-America. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 36(supl):89-92. < DOI.
MARTINS, B. Costa.; ORIÁ, A. P.; SOUZA, A. L. G.; CAMPOS, C. F.; ALMEIDA, D. E.; DUARTE, R. A.; SOARES, C. P.; ZUANON, J. A. S.; NETO, C. B.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; ITURRINO, R. P. S; LAUS, J. L. 2007. Ophtalmic patterns of captive Browns Brocket Deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 38(4):526-532. < DOI.
RODRIGUES, F. P.; GARCIA, J. F.; RAMOS, P. R. R.; BORTOLOZZI, J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2007. Genetic diversity of two Brazilian populations of the Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus, Linnaeus 1758). Brazilian Journal of Biology, 67(4.supl):805-811. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; NEGRÃO, J. A. 2006. Effects of environmental conditions, human activity, reproduction, antler cycle and grouping on fecal glucocorticoids of free-ranging Pampas deer stags (Ozotoceros bezoarticus bezoarticus). Hormones and Behavior, 49(1):114-122. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, L. D.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Gastro-Intestinal transit time in South American deer. Zoo Biology, 25(1):47-57. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; POLEGATO, B. F.; SOUZA, S.; NEGRÃO, J. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Monitoring ovarian cycles and pregnancy in brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) by measurement of fecal progesterone metabolites. Theriogenology, 65(2):387-399. < DOI.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; LABRUNA, M. B.; VOGLIOTTI, A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on small red brocket deer (Mazama bororo Duarte) along deer trails in the Atlantic Rain Forest of southeastern Brazil. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 11(1):41-45. < DOI.
MACHADO, R. Z.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; DAGNONE, A. S,; SZABÓ, M. P. J. 2006. Detection of Ehrlichia chaffeensis in Brazilian Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Veterinary Parasitology, 139(1-3):262-266. < DOI.
MARQUEZ, A.; MALDONADO, J.; GONZALEZ, S.; BECCACECI, M.; GARCIA, J. E.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Phylogeography and Pleistocene demographic history of the endangered marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from the Rio de La Plata basin. Conservation Genetics, 7(5):563-575. < DOI.
CARCIOFI, A. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MENDES, D.; OLIVEIRA, L. D. 2006. Food Selection and Digestibility in Yellow-Headed Conure (Aratinga jandaya) and Golden-Caped Conure (Aratinga auricapilla) in Captivity. The Journal of Nutrition, 136(7):2014S-2016S. < DOI.
RODRIGUES, F. P.; QUEIROZ, S. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Genetic Relatedness Among Wild, Domestic and Brazilian Fighting Roosters. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 8(2):83-87. < DOI.
FIGUEIRA, C. J. M.; PIRES, J. S. R.; ANDRIOLO, A.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) reintroduction in the Jataí Ecological Station (Luis Antônio-SP): Spatial preferences. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 65(2):263-270. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, E. J. F.; GARCIA, J. E.; CONTEL, E. P. B.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Genetic structure of Blastocerus dichotomus populations in the Parana river basin (Brazil) based on protein variability. Biochemical Genetics, 43(5-6):211-222. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; NEGRÃO, J. A. 2005. Seasonal changes in fecal testosterone concentrations and their relationship to the reproductive behavior, antler cycle and grouping patterns in free-ranging male Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus bezoarticus). Theriogenology, 63(8):2113-2125. < DOI.
TIEMANN, J. C. H.; RODRIGUES, A. A. R.; SOUZA, S. L. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GENARI, S. M. 2005. Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in Brazilian cervids kept in captivity. Veterinary Parasitology, 129(3-4):341-343. < DOI.
ANDRIOLO, A.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; PIOVEZAN, U.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Aerial line transect survey to estimate abundance of marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) (Illiger, 1815). Brazilian Arquives of Biology and Technology, 48(5):807-814. < DOI.
TIEMANN, J. C. H.; SOUZA, S. L. P.; RODRIGUES, A. A. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GENNARI, S. M. 2005. Environmental effect on the occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). Veterinary Parasitology, 134(1-2):73-76. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Coleta, conservação e multiplicação de recursos genéticos em animais silvestres: o exemplo dos cervídeos. Agrociencia, 9(1-2):541-544. < URL.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; CASTRO, M. B.; SANTANA, D. A; PAULA, C. D.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Hematology of free-living Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from Southeast Brazil. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 36(3):463-469. < DOI.
GIUFFRIDA, R.; MODOLO, J. R.; ARAÚJO-JÚNIOR, J. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2004. Campylobacter sp in feces of Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Arquivos do Instituto Biológico, 71(1):7-8. < URL.
CAPARROZ, R.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2004. Chromosomal similarity between the Scaly-headed parrot (Pionus maximiliani), the Short-tailed parrot (Graydidascalus brachyurus) and the Yellow-faced parrot (Salvatoria xanthops) (Psittaciformes: Aves): a cytotaxonomic analysis. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 27(4):522-528. < DOI.
TONIOLLO, G. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; DELFINI, A.; MONREAL, A C D. 2004. Retroflexão de bexiga: relato de caso em Blastocerus dichotomus (Cervo-do-Pantanal). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 41(2):137-139. < DOI.
GONZALEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2003. Emergency Pampas deer capture in Uruguay. Deer Specialist Group News, 18:16-17. < URL.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; LABRUNA, M. B.; PEREIRA, M. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2003. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on Wild Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from southeast Brazil: infestations before and after habitat loss. Journal of Medical Entomology, 40(3):268-274. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; JORGE, W. 2003. Morphologic and cytogenetic description of the small red brocket (Mazama bororo Duarte, 1996) in Brazil. Mammalia, 67(3):403-410. < DOI.
LABRUNA, M. B.; FUGISAKI, E. Y. M.; PINTER, A.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SZABÓ, M. P. J. 2003. Life cycle and host specificity of Amblyomma triste (Acari: Ixodidae) under laboratory conditions. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 30(4):305-316. < DOI.
LUNA, J. O.; SANTOS, M. A. A.; DURIGON, E. L.; ARAÚJO, J. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2003. Tuberculosis survey of free-ranging marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in Brazil. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 34(4):414-415. < DOI.
BORGES, E. M.; MACHADO, M. R. F.; OLIVEIRA, F. S.; SOUZA, W. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2002. Aspectos morfológicos do fígado do cervo-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 39(2):78-80. < DOI.
MACHADO, M. R. F.; BORGES, E. M.; OLIVEIRA, F. S.; TOMAZINI, M. F.; MELO, A. P. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2002. Intramyocardial course of the coronary arteries in the marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 39(6):285-287. < DOI.
BURCIUS, L. C.; PEREIRA, R. J. G.; SANTOS, G. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2001. Variação dos níveis de progestágenos fecais durante o ciclo estral em veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira). Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 25(2):169-171.
FRENEAU, G. E. DUARTE, J. M. B. 2001. Biometria testicular e características seminais de veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) mantidos e cativeiro em Porto Nacional - TO. ARS Veterinária, 17(1):01-05.
ANDRIOLO, A; PIOVEZAN, U.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2001. Line-transect sampling method used to evaluate the impact of a flooding dam on marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) population in the Paraná River, Brazil. Deer Specialist Group News, 16:1-2. < URL.
BARROZO, L. A.; TONIOLO, G. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; PINHO, M. P.; OLIVEIRA, J. A. 2001. Padrão anual de variação da testosterona sérica, volume testicular e aspectos seminais de veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) em cativeiro. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 25(2):210-211.
PEREIRA, M. C.; SZABÓ, M. P. J.; BECHARA, G. H.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; RECHAV, Y.; FIELDEN, L.; KEIRANS, J. 2000. Ticks (Acari; Ixodidae) associated with wild animals in the Pantanal region of Brazil. Journal of Medical Entomology, 37(6):979-983. < DOI.
BECHARA, G. H. SZABÓ, M. P. J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. MATUSHIMA, E. R.; PEREIRA, M. C.; RECHAV, Y.; KEIRANS, J.; FIELDEN, L. 2000. Ticks associated with wild animals in the Nhecolândia Pantanal, Brazil. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 916:289-297. < DOI.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; PEREIRA, M. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2000. Cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) infestation in quarantined marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) populations. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 31(4):576-577. < DOI.
MATHIAS, L. A.; GIRIO, R. J. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 1999. Serosurvey For Antibodies Against Brucella Abortus And Leptospira Interrogans In Pampas Deer From Brazil. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 35(1):112-114. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; RAMALHO, M. F. D. T.; LIMA, V. F. H.; JORGE, W. 1999. A leukocyte cryopreservation technique for cytogenetic studies. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 22(3):399-400. < DOI.
GONZALEZ, S.; MALDONADO, J.; LEONARD, A.; VILA, C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MERINO, M.; BRUM-ZORRILLA, N; WAYNE, R. K. 1998. Conservation genetics of the endangered pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). Molecular Ecology, 07(1)::47-56. < DOI.
MIYAKI, C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; CAPARROZ, R.; NUNES, A. L. V.; WAJNTAL, A. 1997. Sex identification of South American parrots (Psittacidae, Aves) using the human minisatellite probe 33.15. The AUK, 114(3):516-520. < DOI.
FERREIRA, R. A.; MINEO, J. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SILVA, D. A. O.; PATARROYO, J. H. 1997. Toxoplasmosis in naturally infected deer from Brazil. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33(4):896-899. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B..1997. A medicina veterinária e os animais selvagens. Revista do CFMV, 10:29-30. < URL.
AIDAR, F. M.; DEMATTÊ, M. E. S. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 1997. Métodos de extração de sementes de Muntingia calabura. Científica, 25(2):415-427.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; JORGE, W. 1996. Chromosomal polymorphism in several population of deer (Genus Mazama) from Brazil. Archivos de Zootecnia, 45(170)281-287. < URL.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; GIANONNI, M. L. 1995. A new species of deer in Brazil (Mazama bororo). Deer Specialist Group News, 13:3. < URL.
MARQUEZ, A.; MALDONADO, J.; GONZALEZ, S.; BECCACECI, M.; GARCIA, J. E.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Phylogeography and Pleistocene demographic history of the endangered marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from the Rio de La Plata basin. Conservation Genetics, 7(5):563-575. < DOI.
CARCIOFI, A. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MENDES, D.; OLIVEIRA, L. D. 2006. Food Selection and Digestibility in Yellow-Headed Conure (Aratinga jandaya) and Golden-Caped Conure (Aratinga auricapilla) in Captivity. The Journal of Nutrition, 136(7):2014S-2016S. < DOI.
RODRIGUES, F. P.; QUEIROZ, S. A.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2006. Genetic Relatedness Among Wild, Domestic and Brazilian Fighting Roosters. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 8(2):83-87. < DOI.
FIGUEIRA, C. J. M.; PIRES, J. S. R.; ANDRIOLO, A.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) reintroduction in the Jataí Ecological Station (Luis Antônio-SP): Spatial preferences. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 65(2):263-270. < DOI.
OLIVEIRA, E. J. F.; GARCIA, J. E.; CONTEL, E. P. B.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Genetic structure of Blastocerus dichotomus populations in the Parana river basin (Brazil) based on protein variability. Biochemical Genetics, 43(5-6):211-222. < DOI.
PEREIRA, R. J. G.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; NEGRÃO, J. A. 2005. Seasonal changes in fecal testosterone concentrations and their relationship to the reproductive behavior, antler cycle and grouping patterns in free-ranging male Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus bezoarticus). Theriogenology, 63(8):2113-2125. < DOI.
TIEMANN, J. C. H.; RODRIGUES, A. A. R.; SOUZA, S. L. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GENARI, S. M. 2005. Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in Brazilian cervids kept in captivity. Veterinary Parasitology, 129(3-4):341-343. < DOI.
ANDRIOLO, A.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; PIOVEZAN, U.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Aerial line transect survey to estimate abundance of marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) (Illiger, 1815). Brazilian Arquives of Biology and Technology, 48(5):807-814. < DOI.
TIEMANN, J. C. H.; SOUZA, S. L. P.; RODRIGUES, A. A. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; GENNARI, S. M. 2005. Environmental effect on the occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). Veterinary Parasitology, 134(1-2):73-76. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Coleta, conservação e multiplicação de recursos genéticos em animais silvestres: o exemplo dos cervídeos. Agrociencia, 9(1-2):541-544. < URL.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; CASTRO, M. B.; SANTANA, D. A; PAULA, C. D.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2005. Hematology of free-living Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from Southeast Brazil. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 36(3):463-469. < DOI.
GIUFFRIDA, R.; MODOLO, J. R.; ARAÚJO-JÚNIOR, J. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2004. Campylobacter sp in feces of Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Arquivos do Instituto Biológico, 71(1):7-8. < URL.
CAPARROZ, R.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2004. Chromosomal similarity between the Scaly-headed parrot (Pionus maximiliani), the Short-tailed parrot (Graydidascalus brachyurus) and the Yellow-faced parrot (Salvatoria xanthops) (Psittaciformes: Aves): a cytotaxonomic analysis. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 27(4):522-528. < DOI.
TONIOLLO, G. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; DELFINI, A.; MONREAL, A C D. 2004. Retroflexão de bexiga: relato de caso em Blastocerus dichotomus (Cervo-do-Pantanal). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 41(2):137-139. < DOI.
GONZALEZ, S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2003. Emergency Pampas deer capture in Uruguay. Deer Specialist Group News, 18:16-17. < URL.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; LABRUNA, M. B.; PEREIRA, M. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2003. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on Wild Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from southeast Brazil: infestations before and after habitat loss. Journal of Medical Entomology, 40(3):268-274. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; JORGE, W. 2003. Morphologic and cytogenetic description of the small red brocket (Mazama bororo Duarte, 1996) in Brazil. Mammalia, 67(3):403-410. < DOI.
LABRUNA, M. B.; FUGISAKI, E. Y. M.; PINTER, A.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SZABÓ, M. P. J. 2003. Life cycle and host specificity of Amblyomma triste (Acari: Ixodidae) under laboratory conditions. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 30(4):305-316. < DOI.
LUNA, J. O.; SANTOS, M. A. A.; DURIGON, E. L.; ARAÚJO, J. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2003. Tuberculosis survey of free-ranging marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in Brazil. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 34(4):414-415. < DOI.
BORGES, E. M.; MACHADO, M. R. F.; OLIVEIRA, F. S.; SOUZA, W. M.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2002. Aspectos morfológicos do fígado do cervo-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 39(2):78-80. < DOI.
MACHADO, M. R. F.; BORGES, E. M.; OLIVEIRA, F. S.; TOMAZINI, M. F.; MELO, A. P. F.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2002. Intramyocardial course of the coronary arteries in the marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 39(6):285-287. < DOI.
BURCIUS, L. C.; PEREIRA, R. J. G.; SANTOS, G. L.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2001. Variação dos níveis de progestágenos fecais durante o ciclo estral em veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira). Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 25(2):169-171.
FRENEAU, G. E. DUARTE, J. M. B. 2001. Biometria testicular e características seminais de veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) mantidos e cativeiro em Porto Nacional - TO. ARS Veterinária, 17(1):01-05.
ANDRIOLO, A; PIOVEZAN, U.; COSTA, M. J. R. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2001. Line-transect sampling method used to evaluate the impact of a flooding dam on marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) population in the Paraná River, Brazil. Deer Specialist Group News, 16:1-2. < URL.
BARROZO, L. A.; TONIOLO, G. H.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; PINHO, M. P.; OLIVEIRA, J. A. 2001. Padrão anual de variação da testosterona sérica, volume testicular e aspectos seminais de veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) em cativeiro. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 25(2):210-211.
PEREIRA, M. C.; SZABÓ, M. P. J.; BECHARA, G. H.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; RECHAV, Y.; FIELDEN, L.; KEIRANS, J. 2000. Ticks (Acari; Ixodidae) associated with wild animals in the Pantanal region of Brazil. Journal of Medical Entomology, 37(6):979-983. < DOI.
BECHARA, G. H. SZABÓ, M. P. J.; DUARTE, J. M. B. MATUSHIMA, E. R.; PEREIRA, M. C.; RECHAV, Y.; KEIRANS, J.; FIELDEN, L. 2000. Ticks associated with wild animals in the Nhecolândia Pantanal, Brazil. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 916:289-297. < DOI.
SZABÓ, M. P. J.; MATUSHIMA, E. R.; PEREIRA, M. C.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 2000. Cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) infestation in quarantined marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) populations. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 31(4):576-577. < DOI.
MATHIAS, L. A.; GIRIO, R. J. S.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 1999. Serosurvey For Antibodies Against Brucella Abortus And Leptospira Interrogans In Pampas Deer From Brazil. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 35(1):112-114. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; RAMALHO, M. F. D. T.; LIMA, V. F. H.; JORGE, W. 1999. A leukocyte cryopreservation technique for cytogenetic studies. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 22(3):399-400. < DOI.
GONZALEZ, S.; MALDONADO, J.; LEONARD, A.; VILA, C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; MERINO, M.; BRUM-ZORRILLA, N; WAYNE, R. K. 1998. Conservation genetics of the endangered pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). Molecular Ecology, 07(1)::47-56. < DOI.
MIYAKI, C.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; CAPARROZ, R.; NUNES, A. L. V.; WAJNTAL, A. 1997. Sex identification of South American parrots (Psittacidae, Aves) using the human minisatellite probe 33.15. The AUK, 114(3):516-520. < DOI.
FERREIRA, R. A.; MINEO, J. R.; DUARTE, J. M. B.; SILVA, D. A. O.; PATARROYO, J. H. 1997. Toxoplasmosis in naturally infected deer from Brazil. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33(4):896-899. < DOI.
DUARTE, J. M. B..1997. A medicina veterinária e os animais selvagens. Revista do CFMV, 10:29-30. < URL.
AIDAR, F. M.; DEMATTÊ, M. E. S. P.; DUARTE, J. M. B. 1997. Métodos de extração de sementes de Muntingia calabura. Científica, 25(2):415-427.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; JORGE, W. 1996. Chromosomal polymorphism in several population of deer (Genus Mazama) from Brazil. Archivos de Zootecnia, 45(170)281-287. < URL.
DUARTE, J. M. B.; GIANONNI, M. L. 1995. A new species of deer in Brazil (Mazama bororo). Deer Specialist Group News, 13:3. < URL.